Catchgate Primary School

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Breakfast & Afterschool Clubs

Welcome to our breakfast and after school clubs page!

Please take a look below to see what after school clubs we offer...

Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club is on Monday to Friday and is open to all pupils aged 5 years and older.

This club runs from 8.00am at a charge of £1.50 per session. Children do not usually need to be booked in but parents can if they so wish. The difference between Breakfast club and Magic is that Breakfast club has a childcare element attached to it which includes activities.   

Free Breakfast funded by Greggs Foundation

Free Breakfast is on everyday at 8.10am.

Children from nursery to year 6 are all welcome to come along FREE of charge.

This is available every day. Children are to arrive via the school office.

If your child does come along to Free Breakfast, could you please make sure they do not arrive before 8.10am as we do not have the staffing until then.

Children wishing to access Free breakfast need to arrive at school before 8.20am to ensure they can access the provision.

Thank you for your understanding.

After School Clubs

After school clubs run on a Monday to Friday and are open to all pupils from Reception to Year 6. Clubs run from 3.00 - 4.00 p.m.

At the end of every term a new schedule for after school clubs is sent out to parents. Clubs are bookable through our ParentPay system and you will be booking/paying for block sessions for the next term.

You can also contact the school office for any further information.

New College Durham Academies Trust

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