Catchgate Primary School

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Through outdoor learning in Early Years, there are opportunities to become more socially aware using the environment of home, school and local area.  Expectations, around pupils becoming effective communicators, will be enhanced in school in partnership with increasing parental engagement.  

Throughout Key Stage 1 there will be opportunities for pupils to access outdoor learning, to develop existing skills from Early Years, within the maths and English curriculum. The cultural diversity of the North East will be explored and the vibrancy celebrated to develop respect amongst our young citizens to uphold British Values.   

Throughout Key Stage 2 pupils’ life skills will be further developed to show an understanding and demonstration of the attitudes needed to recognise their own and others, social, emotional and mental wellbeing. The varied and rich enhancements offered to pupils will develop their range of vocabulary and debating skills so that by the end of primary school pupils will be confident and clear communicators.  Pupils will be able to articulate their views and opinions, in a range of situations, to enable them to become responsible citizens who enhance the global community they live in. 



In terms of the specific geography curriculum our intent is:-

  • We celebrate the cultural capital intent above and offer pupils an excellent quality geography education with progression of learning integral to the planning process. 
  • Children will have a golden thread of knowledge about the world which begins with explorations of their immediate locality in EYFS and KS1 moving outwards to Human and Physical knowledge of the United Kingdom and then further afield to the continents and different hold and cold climates around the world.
  • in KS2. Children will look at different human and physical features in their wider local area, before moving onto looking at comparing features of our local area compared to a contrasting European country. Further to this, children will then look at the wider world, comparing Newcastle to Sao Paolo, Brazil. 
  • Children will have fieldwork opportunities planned in where possible. Our local area is utilised regularly to explore geographical enquiries linking to the topics taught. 
  • Where the topic being taught is further afield, we use ICT links such as Digimaps, Google Maps and physical maps such as OS maps, Atlases in order to carry out some virtual fieldwork enquiries.
  • Our aim is that our children will leave us with an interest in their local community, as well as an interest in the communities around the world.
  • We hope that when they leave, they will be mindful of local and global environmental issues.

Are competent in the geographical skills needed to:

collect, analyse and communicate with a range of data gathered through experiences of fieldwork that deepen their understanding of geographical processes

  • interpret a range of sources of geographical information, including maps, diagrams, globes, aerial photographs and Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
  • communicate geographical information in a variety of ways, including through maps, numerical and quantitative skills and writing at length





New College Durham Academies Trust

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