Modern Foreign Languages
Here at Catchgate, our MFL curriculum has been delivered successfully by Lingotots for over 10 years. Lingotots send us qualified teachers, who are often native speakers, delivering the best possible Spanish teaching.
Please read the handbook below to see how they cater for our school.
Modern Foreign Language Policy
Language Curriculum
The schools 4-year KS2 scheme of work is designed to fulfil the requirements of the KS2 Programme of Study, and to provide learning experiences that engage, enthuse and motivate all of our learners. To aid progression within our medium-term planning, we draw on the non-statutory KS2 languages framework guidance. We regularly review our planning. In line with Framework guidelines, KS2 pupils learn languages for no less than 60 minutes per week with our Spanish specialist teacher. The languages curriculum is aligned wherever appropriate with the learning context, content and aims of other subject areas, to enhance the cohesion of learning experiences for our pupils.
Teaching of Spanish is also taught in year 2 as an introduction to the language through use of phonics, games and activities.
School celebrates the language teaching by joining in with international events, such as World Day of Languages and inviting parents in to workshops and presentations.
The whole school are involved in learning Spanish songs during collective worship.