Music in our school from EYFS to KS2 is delivered by Mrs Fiona Glover, see below. Mrs Glover is a music teacher from Durham Music Service and provides our children with a fantastic music education.
The key objective for the music curriculum is to provide an excellent quality music education for all pupils within EYFS, KS1 and KS2, with progression of learning integral to the planning process. Weekly sessions are planned and referenced against the National Curriculum Programmes of Study for Music, and it is ensured that these are fully met by the end of each Key Stage. Regular meetings are held with school staff before each stage of the planning cycle to discuss the objectives of the music curriculum within the context of the wider school curriculum with the intention that music supports this where possible. Planning for progression is also informed by the Primary Music Progress Map, a recently-published document devised by Durham Music Service to maximise pupil progress and learning through planning quality sessions.
The music curriculum is designed with the intention that every pupil, including those with SEND, is able to reach their potential in the subject; careful attention is given to the planning of differentiated tasks to enable every child to achieve to the best of their ability. The planned activities also include the use of high quality resources to support the teaching and learning.
Curriculum planning for music is shared with the Head Teacher, music-co-coordinator and every class teacher prior to the beginning of each term in order that the objectives are clear to all.
In addition to the weekly music sessions, regular performances within school give every child, including the most disadvantaged, the opportunity to showcase their work in music, helping to build confidence and raise self-esteem and support the school’s work on well-being.
Below you can access our Music policy