Year 1
Welcome to Year 1
In Year 1 we have lots of fun in our learning both inside and outside. The teacher in Year 1 is Mr Coxon and the Teaching Assistant is Mrs Laidler.
Meet The Staff
Mr Coxon
I have been a teacher at Catchgate Primary for 8 years and I absolutely love teaching Year 1. Outside of school I enjoy watching football and spending time with my family.
I have many favourite children's books by different authors. At the moment my favourite story to read in school is, Some Dogs Do by Jez Alborough. I love dogs and this book makes me smile :)
Timetable Year 1 Spring Term 2024
Our Curriculum
The whole school topic during the spring term is Build the World. In History we will be finding out about Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth I and begin to make comparisons between them. In Geography we will be finding out about the countries and cities that make up the UK and locating these on a map. We will also continue to explore weather patterns and think about appropriate clothing for the changing seasons in the UK. In Art our mini topic is named Painting and mixed media: Colour splash. We will explore the work of Artist, Clarice Cliffe and discuss what we like about their work. In science we will be finding out about everyday materials as we compare and group them. In RE we will be thinking about Christianity and focusing on the question, did Jesus always find it easy to be a good friend? which links to our PSHE from last half term. We will be continuing to make puppets in D&T and then moving on to create windmills. In PE we will be developing skills in dance as we develop core strength to allow us to make shapes and movements in different ways. Forest school this term will explore basic first aid, safe use of tools and safely lighting forest school fire. In PSHE we will be exploring feelings using Kapaw resources. In Maths we will be focussing on place value with numbers within 20. Our focus text in English is The Tiger Who Came to Tea. We will learn to retell the story using the map below and eventually have a go at writing our own versions. Year 1 will also learn Spanish for the first time in Spring 2025 for the whole of the term.
Spellings - All children in Year 1 will be given weekly spellings following Little Wandle Spellings recommended by the Phonics Programme. They will be based on sounds and tricky words taught in class that particular week. These will be shared in a spelling book that children must return to school every Friday in order for new spellings to be given out the following Monday. Children will take part in spelling activities in school and we will look for application of this in their written work.
Reading - At Catchgate Primary we follow Little Wandle Letters and Sounds phonics programme. As part of this all children will read in school every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday with reading books being sent home on a Friday to continue to read the same book at home. We hope that children continue to read each day at home to build confidence and fluency and return books on a Monday to be changed. We have a whole new scheme of books to match our new phonics programme and ask that children look after these books and make sure they are returned on time to enable the next group of children to access them. Children will also bring home a reading for pleasure book to share with adult. This shared book can be changed daily.
Class Expectations
In Year 1 we will:
- Always try our best
- Look after our own belongings
- Return reading books every Monday
- Read as often as possible at home
- Bring spelling books in each Friday
- Have a PE kit in school
- Bring swimming kit each week
- Arrive ready for forest school every Monday morning
We are encouraging the children to become more independent and to look after their own belongings, You can help your child to do this by putting their name in all of their clothing. As the weather begins to get cooler please send your child to school wearing clothing for the weather including hats and gloves as we will be outside a lot this year.
Year 1 PE and Forest School
We would like to remind you to put names in all of your children's clothing. They are allowed a water bottle in class, this should also have a name on. Below you will find PE and Forest School information such as what your child needs for these sessions. It is important that they are prepared for these lessons as PE is statutory requirement for all children.
P.E is on a Tuesday and a Friday morning.
Please ensure you child has kit in school which include- Red t-shirt, black shorts and plimsoles. We do not have spare kit in school for the children to wear so if they do not have kit they will not be able to take part.
PE kits will be returned home at the end of each half term and should come back into school in time for the first PE session of the half term.
Forest School is on a Monday morning.
Please send your child to school with suitable clothing that you don't mind getting wet and muddy. This should include sturdy shoes, boots or wellies, a warm coat, warm trousers and jumper.
Children will need to bring school shoes whenever they wear wellies or other footwear to school.
Phonics Screening test for Year 1.
Each year Year 1 children take part in a phonics screening test. This will happen during the week beginning Monday 9th June 2025. Information was shared about this at the Transition meeting in July 2024 and a Phonics Screening Check information session will take place on Thursday 11th February 2025 at 2.45.