Catchgate Primary School

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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!

A little bit about us

 We are a fabulous class of 24 children and we LOVE to learn. As we are at the beginning of Key Stage 2, we are learning lots of new skills and strategies to help us. As a class, we really enjoy singing and PE. We have been reading some fantastic books and our writing work is really improving. At lunchtimes, we enjoy accessing our TTRS club and using the "corridor passes" to access the library to read for pleasure. 

Class Timetable


Parent Information

Below is a downloadable version of the presentation that I gave during transition week.

Parents meeting


To support their learning, children will receive weekly spelling practice, focused times tables, a variety of reading books, and engaging math tasks on Sumdog that align with their current lessons. These activities foster independent learning and reinforce classroom instruction. Please feel free to reach out to your child's teacher with any questions or for additional support. Thank you for being an active participant in your child's education!

Our Curriculum

Class Expectations

  • Children will try their best to improve themselves in all aspects of school.
  • Children will bring in Forest School and Swimming kits on the correct day (see below for more information).
  • PE kit to remain in school Monday-Friday.
  • Reading records to be brought to school each day and taken home.
  • Children will read as often as possible and have this marked in their reading records. 
  • Children will show resilience in learning and give everything their best efforts.

Year 3S' P.E. is on a Monday and Wednesday. It is important that children have their full P.E kit. Their kit can be left in school and we will send it home at the end of each half-term. Please make sure all sports kits are named to avoid any confusion in the changing rooms.

Forest School

We have Forest School every Tuesday morning so it is important the children wear appropriate clothing and attire. Please check the weather before sending your child to school. 
There will be an opportunity for children in Year 3 to read everyday. It is therefore essential that children bring their reading books and diaries with them every day to help track their progress.

Times tables

By the end of Year 3 it is expected our children should know their multiplication and division facts for the 3, 4, and 8 multiplication tables. This is in addition to those that they have learned previously in school (their 10's, 2's and 5's). If you wish to go beyond these times tables facts, please make sure that your children are aware of both multiplication and division facts for all of the above tables first. 


We are encouraging the children to become more independent and to look after their own belongings,  You can help your child to do this by putting their name in all of their clothing.  As the weather gets warmer please continue to send your child to school wearing clothing for the weather and a coat as the weather can change quickly.

New College Durham Academies Trust

The focus on Excellence underpins all that we do whether in learning areas, working within the communities we serve or governing and leading our Academies.

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